Where are the horses galloping?Written by Noa Tal, Curator. Neta’s wellspring of creativity is inexhaustible and, in addition to the wealth of imagery, the viewer will...
לאן דוהרים הסוסיםנכתב ע”י נועה טל, אוצרת לאמנות. מעיינות יצירתה של נטע הם בלתי נדלים ובנוסף לעושר הדימויים עומד הצופה ומשתאה למראה הרמה הטכנית הגבוהה של...
“Panta Rhei” (Heraclitus) TODO FLUYE, NADA PERMANECE QUITO“NADA ES PERMANEETE, EXCEPTO EL CAMBIO”Written By Neta Dor Lemelshtrich En estos ultimos, anos, en todo mi trabajo he buscado detras de la quientud “el movimiento estetico” el...
Artist Neta Dor Lemelshtrich Israeli art historian and art critic, 2002“With 'Metamorphoses', a series of around 50 computer drawings, Israeli artist Neta Dor Lemelshtrich has made a bold leap into the world...
MetamorphosesWritten By Neta Dor Lemelshtrich “The art print must be for us a way of life, worthy of being taught at every school, not just at art...
Metamorphoses - Angela LevineWritten By Angela Levine With “Metamorphosis” a suite of some 50 computer-generated drawings, Israeli artist Neta Dor makes a dramatic...
From Filigree to FluxWritten By Dr. Michael Sgan Cohen Our penchant for beauty is manifested in a universal love of jewelry, objets d’art, and what is...
Preface (to one of my catalogues)Written By Neta Dor Lemelshtrich I perceive in everything, however “inanimate,” its peculiar flow. Even boats moored to the shore quiver...